What's Wrong with Organized Christianity?
Ken Eckerty has posted a website entitled "Why I left the Organized Church" (http://www.savior-of-all.com/organized.html). He makes it clear that he hasn't left behind his evangelical faith, only the organized churchey part of it.
I suppose a proper supporter of much of organized Christianity could just tell Ken how wrong he is, but I think I need to take him seriously. Here are his main complaints about the organized church:
1. A narrow demand that believers worship in a certain way, believe in a certain way.
2. Intellectual theologizing that takes the place of spirituality.
3. Denominationism that divides Christianity and breeds exclusivism.
4. Biblical illegitmacy of church membership that "divides the body of Christ."
5. Activities and ministries that replace our first love of Christ.
6. Emphasis on old Covenant law, especially tithing, that breeds guilt.
7. Unbiblical preeminence of the pastor or elder's board that rules rather than serving.
8. Professional clergy who believe the church is their church.
9. Transformation of the church into a business with a business-like mentality.
10. Fine points of theology that separate believers from other believers.
Ken has not abandoned fellowship with other believers, but he is alienated from the organized forms of Christian fellowship. Is he right? Is he wrong?
I hope to comment on his ten points in succeeding posts. For now, think about it - Is Ken out to lunch or is his complaint legitimate?
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