Thursday, June 30, 2005

10 Reasons to Ignore the Bible

People have a lot of trouble with the Bible. They love Jesus (who is in the Bible) but they struggle with the whole idea that the Bible could be a holy book from God.

Here are 10 reasons to ignore the Bible:

10. It's really old.
9. People say it's hard to understand.
8. It comes from a culture I don't understand.
7. It's promoted by church people, and I don't particularly like church people.
6. Look at all the evil that followers of the Bible have brought upon the world.
5. No one knows if it really came from God.
4. It's full of tall tales that couldn't possibly be true.
3. It's full of miracles, and well, you know...
2. Reading it would be quite a commitment.
1. It would make me feel guilty.

But the simple fact is that most of us really don't know why we ignore it. The Bible just seems to be out of touch, something for the comfort of a bygone age. It's not relevant, and there are much better spiritualities out there.

I happen to think the Bible has a lot more to say than we give it credit for. Maybe we're just approaching it wrong. Maybe there's some kind of treasure in this old book.

What do you think?


At 6:36 PM, Blogger tao1776 said...

As a literary piece of history, I think everyone should read it. I think it would take a month of Sundays for me to what I could about the book. Both positive and negative. Not sure why you'd feel guilty if you read it. Jesus summed it all up by saying Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. How many Christians do you see living that to the fullest?

At 7:45 AM, Blogger William Badke said...

You're right, Tim. The Bible is about love. The guilt comes from our alienation from God. This book is bathed in the love of Jesus, so why do we feel so cut off, so out of touch with the "Ultimate?" The Bible says we've made a choice to favor independence over recognition of God for who he is - The one who made us. That breeds guilt. There's good news, though, and that's what Jesus offers.
Read the book - no not mine, Gods.


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