The Seventh Thing that's Wrong
Ken Eckerty has posted a website entitled "Why I left the Organized Church" ( It gives 10 or more reasons, and I'd like to take them on. The seventh thing that's wrong:
Unbiblical preeminence of the pastor or elder's board that rules rather than serving.
Just at a time when servant leadership, once a theme in the Christian faith, is infiltrating the business world, the church continues to struggle with power politics. In fact, the CEO model from business is infiltrating the church, turning congregational government into executive leadership that sometimes leaves the average church member thinking that the pastor and elders board are just there to push them around. When that happens, it's a tragedy.
But I know pastors. A lot of them. And I have rarely met one who did not have a servant's heart and a sincere desire to minister to the flock rather than dominate it. Perception and reality are sometimes at odds, though, and those pastors who long to serve but are seen as ruling instead need to look at what they are doing and fix it.
Which leads me to ask church leaders: Are you leading because of the rush it gives you or because you are truly willing to sacrifice and serve? If your desire is to serve, is the congregation's perception of you the same as your desire?
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